I lost two former students this past spring to two different and tragedies that are devastating young black men. I lost one student to COVID. Though none of us are immune--COVID is killing black men at alarmingly higher rates that white people. I remember Andre as a sweet and smiling young man who loved video games and (like a lot of Freshman) would much rather be playing them sneakily on his chromebook than doing his math assignments. The second former student I lost to the bullet of a Police Gun. I remember McHale as a polite and quiet student. In the cases of both these students, I also taught their sisters. I'm haunted by the fact that as I think back to our relationships I was much much closer to each of their sisters. I wonder how I might have let my own biases and prejudices get in my way and I want to be better for young black men in the future. I remember Andre and McHale and I will do the hard work to get better for them. May their memory be a blessing....